My style of

Approach & Artworks

I think a lot about life, what it means to exist, and the journey we go through inside ourselves. It's the most important thing to me. I wonder about what people should do in their everyday lives and where they should go. These thoughts led me to explore where I come from and who I am deep down. I believe the best way to understand life is by looking within ourselves and discovering our inner selves.
I've looked into Eastern mysticism, the elements of nature, spiritual states, how people think, ancient symbols, and monism. I express my views on canvas using specific shapes and colors. Each time I focus on a particular idea, I try to bring the images in my mind to life. So, next to my paintings, there are some explanations, descriptions or poems which describes my impression and perception about that painting and the concept.
Look at the SkySuch a Passion, Such a DanceThe Moment of Love, the Moment of EternityWhat Better than LoveDiscernmentGo through the FireHappinessLifePassingThe Orange WingsPerceptionTo FlyBloomingRebirthLove PhenomenonChittaInspirationAwarenessIn the Absence of YouMithraEcstaticAntithesisBeholdDiscernmentEffusiveLevitationThe MentorMirrorOnenessPerceptionThe Circle of LifeTransitionUlteriorPhoenixThe First Word of CosmogonyDhikrThe Sound of UniverseFive ElementsAhimsaSolitudeThe FlameProcreationFlightTulip's Blooming