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Artworks Stories

Each painting has a story behind its creation, some are provided here under the image. Some others just come with a basic description at the bottom of the image and leave the story to be created by your imagination.

To Fly

Size: 100*100 cm

Technique: Acrylic color & putty on canvas

Date: 2021

Only you know
that how a breeze
Can be the wings of a flight

The Orange Wings 

Size: 150*150 cm

Technique: Acrylic color on canvas    

Date: 2021


Size: 170*120 cm    

Technique: Acrylic color & putty on canvas 

Date: 2020

This is you
In front of existence
Highs and lows
Days and nights, Darks and lights
Countless dead ends
And the roads should be gone
Until the end


170*120 cm   

Technique: Acrylic color & putty on canvas

Date: 2020

A happy moment is a good sign
Means that the inner flame is blazing
And pink blossoms
Indicate attending
Fight between wave and ocean
Or leaf and tree
Or hand and body
Fight between fragment and the whole
Is futile
The whole is in harmony with fragment
when you can float on a wave
Why row a small boat? 


Size: 170*120 cm  

Technique: Acrylic color & putty on canvas 

Date: 2019

The Moment of Love, the Moment of Eternity

Size: 120*120 cm     

Technique: Acrylic color & ink on canvas

Date: 2020


70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

(In Persian mythology, SIMORGH was a winged creature, appears in Iranian literature and mysticism. The story recounts the longing of a group of birds who desire to know the great Simorgh, and who, under the guidance of a leader bird (hoopoe), start their journey toward the land of Simorgh. One by one, they drop out of the journey, each offering an excuse and unable to endure the journey. Each bird has a special significance, and a corresponding didactic fault. The birds must cross seven valleys in order to find the Simorgh: Talab (Yearning), Eshq (Love), Marifat (Gnosis), Estighnah (Detachment), Towheed (Unity of God), Hayrat (Bewilderment) and, finally, Faqr and Fana (Selflessness and Oblivion in God). These represent the stations that a Sufi or any individual must pass through to realize the true nature of God. Eventually only thirty birds remain as they finally arrive in the land of Simorgh – All they see there, are each other and the reflection of the thirty birds in a lake – not the mythical Simorgh. It is the Sufi doctrine that God is not external or separate from the universe, rather is the totality of existence. The thirty birds seeking the Simorgh realize that Simorgh is nothing more than their transcendent totality (In Persian, the word Simorgh denotes thirty birds). The idea of God within is an idea intrinsic to most interpretations of Sufism. As the birds realize the truth, they now reach the station of Baqa (Subsistence) which sits atop the Mountain Qaf.Seeking the Simorgh realize that Simorgh is nothing more than their transcendent totality (In Persian, the word Simorgh denotes thirty birds). The idea of God within is an idea intrinsic to most interpretations of Sufism. As the birds realize the truth, they now reach the station of Baqa (Subsistence) which sits atop the Mountain Qaf.


70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

The painting represents the name of god in Persian calligraphy. Dhikr (or Zikr, "Remembrance [of God]"), is an Islamic devotional act, typically involving the recitation of the Names of God, according to Islam. This may come in the form of recitation or simply always remembering God in one’s heart. The word Dhikr is commonly translated as "remembrance" or "invocation". Followers of Sufism often engage in ritualized Dhikr ceremonies and Dhikr is given great importance according to them. The soul and the world are veils that make people forget God. Dhikr, can be compared to Mantra which is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation", originated in the Vedic tradition of India and becoming an essential part of the Hindu tradition and a customary practice within Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. An Indo-Iranian mantra is also preserved in Avestan Manthra, effectively meaning "word" but with far-reaching implications: Manthras are inherently "true" (aša), and the proper recitation of them brings about (realizes) what is inherently true in them. It may then be said that Manthras are both an expression of being and "right working" and the recitation of them is crucial to the maintenance of order and being.


70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

Ahimsa is a term meaning to do no harm (literally: the avoidance of violence–himsa). The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hims – to strike; himsa is injury or harm, a-himsa is the opposite of this It, is an important tenet of some Indian religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism). Ahimsa means kindness and non-violence towards all living things including animals; it respects living beings as a unity, the belief that all living things are connected. Avoidance of verbal and physical violence is also a part of this principle, although ahimsa recognizes self-defense when necessary, as a sign of a strong spirit. It is closely connected with the notion that all kinds of violence entail negative karmic consequences. The first step is controlling wrath.


100 X 80 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity.

Tao Te Ching


100 X 70 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe.

Tao Te Ching


100 X 70 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Sufism or Tasawwuf is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ṣūfī. The Sufi philosophy is universal in nature, its roots predating the rise of Islam and the other modern-day religions, save for perhaps Buddhism and Jainism; likewise, some Muslims consider Sufism outside the sphere of Islam. Sufis also believe that it is possible to draw closer to God and to more fully embrace the Divine Presence in this life. Although approaches to teaching vary among different Sufi orders, Sufism as a whole is primarily concerned with direct personal experience, and as such has sometimes been compared to other, non-Islamic forms of mysticism. The seeker experiences divine attraction (jadhba), and is able to enter the order with a glimpse of its endpoint, of direct apprehension of the Divine Presence towards which all spiritual striving is directed. This does not replace the striving to purify the heart, as in the other branch; it simply stems from a different point of entry into the path. Flying Sufi's soul into God's, selflessness and oblivion in God is the highest degree of excellence in Sufism and Mysticism. 

Love Phenomenon

150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

در ازل پرتو حسنت زتجلی سرزد

عشق پيدا شد و آتش به همه عالم زد

In eternity, it was your love emanating

The love phenomenon, set all the universe ablaze



150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

One of the principal aims of yoga is quieting the mind, an integral aspect of which consists of quieting the chitta also. While it can be very useful, Chitta can also cause difficulties if its functioning is not coordinated with the others. During some forms of meditation we can witness how thoughts and memories arise from the depths of our chitta and then subside into it. This understanding would help us control over thoughts process and attain inner calm.

Chitta is one of the four aspects of human mind according to Yoga Sutras. The other three being, buddhi (discernment), manas (conscious mind) and ahamkara( ego principal or I-amness). Chitta is the storage place of the countless latent impressions. "chitta" is the mind-stuff or a vast data warehouse where all past memories , images, thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions, samaskaras ( the consequences of one's deed) and other forms of impressions of an individual remain stored. It is from here that one picks ones core thoughts and desires (vasanas), the sum of one's life and actions.

In the content of modern psychology chitta is the subconscious mind. The collective consciousness of Jung which contain archetypal and racial memories may be considered as part of chitta only. Chitta plays an important role in the creation and recollection of dream states as the dream experiences of the sleeping state are also stored in chitta.


80 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Sahasrara or Sahastrara, is the seventh primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. Sahasrara chakra symbolizes detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining supramental higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one.

Often referred as thousand-petaled violet lotus, it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. It is responsible for different levels of concentration, dharana, dhyana and savikalpa samadhi (Nirvana). It is the direct, absolute perception of Reality on our central nervous system.

Vibratory awareness begins at this point. As human awareness is united to the Divine, we move into the subtlest of communication, that is, into Collective Consciousness. We begin to feel the presence and guidance of His Spirit within us and in others as well. We learn to appreciate the real depth and beauty of another person through vibrations. The beauty of Nature now manifests itself as vibrations. Just ask the question and a positive answer comes as a flow of vibrations. It is conversation with the Universe at its most sublime.


150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Where is who intoxicates my soul with no wine?

the one who makes me fearless of death?

the one of whom all souls are crying at dawn

And where is the one whose sorrow totally has taken me away?



150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Watching the flow of time behind the seconds

Watching the presence of a moment

Staying on the other side of the time

It's the feeling of eternity, endlessness

A feeling like silence

The Mentor

120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

When you are perplexed and lost
There is no guide,
But your inner light
This is the only way to liberation


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

In the darkness of deep water
I weave treads of brightness
A connection of reality and illusion
I make drops of pearls
And attach them to the hair of rainbow
Fluid, like water
I raise gently and go with the nature


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Like a mirror
Silent, immobile
An eternal void
Mirror is selfless
Without interpretation and judgment
Doesn't cling to your imagination
Doesn't have yesterday or tomorrow
Remains incontinence


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Clouds come and go
Rootless, homeless
But the eternity of sky remains
And only you know
That how a breeze
Can become the wings of a flight

The Circle of Life

150 X 150 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Light and darkness, suffering and ease
Sorrow and happiness, rage and patience
One after the other
In the circle of life


Size: 100*100 cm

Technique: Acrylic color on canvas

Date: 2021

The speech of existence
never can be punctuated,
And no one can stop the growth of blossoms!
And no one can slay love!
No one!


Size: 220*140 cm

Technique: Alkyd & acrylic color & putty on canvas 

Date: 2021

That day will come
That day your unbound tress
Is tied to the breath of the wind
And its aroma gives life back
To the mourning land
And you sing loudly
And not only the earth
But the heaven listens
One day the straps will open
And the veils go away
And sun shines on the black soil


Size: 170*120 cm   

Technique: Acrylic color & putty on canvas

Date: 2020

Love is not conditional
Love is absolute
it passes through everything
It comes out from everything
It is simple
It is a metamorphosis
It is a door should be passed
Love is something superior to life

Go through the Fire

Size: 200*150 cm

Technique: Acrylic color on canvas  

Date: 2021

Abandon your old boundaries
And create passion
Creating love is alchemy
To become pure gold
There is no way but passing through the fire

What Better than Love

Size:150*100 cm  

Technique: Acrylic color , ink & putty on canvas    

Date: 2020

Such a Passion, Such a Dance

Size: 120*120 cm    

Technique: Acrylic color & ink on canvas   

Date: 2021

Such a passion
such a dance
Such a chaotic night
Such a secret fire
Such a solar image
reflects in my mirror chest
Such a distressed tress
In such an enchanting band

Look at the Sky

Size: 150*100 cm  

Technique: Acrylic color & ink on canvas   

Date: 2020

The First Word of Cosmogony

70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

In the mythical Greek cosmogony of Hesiod (8th-7th century BC) the beginning (arche) of the universe is Chaos, the void considered as a divine primordial condition. This is described as a large gap where there are the sources and ends of the earth, sky, sea and Tartarus. One can name it also abyss (having no bottom). Thales believed that the origin or first principle was water. Pherecydes of Syros (6th century BC) probably called the water also Chaos and this is not placed at the very beginning.In the creation stories of Near East the primordial world is described formless and empty. The only existing thing prior to creation was the water abyss. The Babylonian cosmology Enuma Elish describes the earliest stage of the universe as one of watery chaos and something similar is described in Genesis. In the Hindu cosmogony which is similar to the Vedic (Hiranyagarbha) the initial state of the universe was an absolute darkness.

The Sound of Universe

70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

Aum mantra ( ॐ) is a mystical Sanskrit sound of Hindu origin, sacred and important in various Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Hindus believe that as creation began, the divine, all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound "OM. The vibration of "OM" symbolizes the manifestation of God in form. "OM" is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is said to be "Adi Anadi", without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists. The mantra "OM" is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy (Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation), and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction). In general, they call Aum Mantra, the sound of the Universe.

Five Elements

70 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

The Chinese had a series of elements, namely Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood, which were understood as different types of energy in a state of constant interaction and flux with one another, rather than the Western notion of different kinds of materials. The doctrine of five phases describes two cycles of balance, a generating or creation cycle and an overcoming or destruction cycle of interactions between the phases. Generating: Wood feeds fire; Fire creates earth (ash); Earth bears metal; Metal collects water; Water nourishes wood.

The earliest Buddhist texts explain that the four primary material elements are the sensory qualities solidity, fluidity, temperature, and mobility; their characterization as earth, water, fire, and air, respectively, is declared an abstraction instead of concentrating on the fact of material existence, one observes how a physical thing is sensed, felt, perceived. The five elements are associated with the five senses, and act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations. The basest element, earth, created using all the other elements, can be perceived by all five senses - hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. The next higher element, water, has no odor but can be heard, felt, seen and tasted. Next, comes fire, which can be heard, felt and seen. Air can be heard and felt. "Akasha" (ether) is the medium of sound but is inaccessible to all other senses.

The Flame

100 X 80 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

زين آتش نهفته که در سينه من است

خورشيد شعله اي است كه در آسمان گرفت

The latent fire burning in my heart

Sets the sun aflame in the sky


Tulip's Blooming

100 X 80 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Originally from Persia, tulips were brought to Europe in the 16th century, where it played a significant role in the art and culture of the time. Most likely commenting on the Persian tradition of wearing tulips in one's turban, reflecting the turban-like appearance of a tulip in full bloom, Europeans mistakenly gave tulips their name. As Europeans began taking to tulips, the flower's popularity spread quickly, particularly in the Netherlands. A Persian legend may be responsible for the tulip's symbolism, depicts the love of Sassanid king Khosrow II towards an Armenian princess, Shirin. Princess Shirin, does not agree to marry Khosrow . Meanwhile, a sculptor named Farhad, falls in love with Shirin and becomes Khosrow's love-rival. Khosrow cannot bide Farhad, so he sends him on an exile to Bistun mountain with the impossible task of carving stairs out of the cliff rocks. Farhad begins his task hoping that Khosrow will allow him marry Shirin. Yet, Khosrow sends a messenger to Farhad and gives him false news of Shirin's death. Hearing these false news, Farhad riding his horse over the edge of a cliff, throws himself from the mountaintop and dies. It's said that a scarlet tulip sprang up from each droplet of his blood, giving the red tulip the meaning "perfect love." According to this, tulips generally symbolize perfect love.


100 X 80 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Wood Panel

Researchers have discovered the only known survivor of the last Ice Age, a rare flower that loves the cold. Most scientists believe that the Ice Age that ended 15,000 years ago scraped away all plant and animal life.

Deep in the frozen tundra of northeastern Siberia, a squirrel buried fruits some 32,000 years ago from a plant that bore white flowers. Recently a team of Russian scientists announced that they had unearthed the fruit and brought tissue from it back to life. The fruits are about 30,000 years older than the Israeli date palm seed that previously held the record as the oldest tissue to give life to healthy plants. After 32,000 years, an Ice Age flower blooms again, back from the dead. The plant is called Silene stenophylla and the long dead plant was regenerated after the discovery of an Ice Age squirrel burrow in Siberia that had seeds and fruit. The Russian scientists dug the seeds out of the permafrost where it had been locked in ice for 30,000 years. Regeneration of the plant makes Silene Stenophylla the oldest plant to ever be regenerated.


100 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Vishuddha also known as Vishuddhi, is the fifth primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. Vishuddha is positioned at the neck region near the spine and it's color is blue and silver. Vishuddha chakra is known as the purification centre. Here the nectar amrita (the drink which confers immortality upon the gods) that drips down from the Bindu chakra, and is split into a pure form and a poison. In its more abstract form, it is associated with higher discrimination, inspiration and it is associated with creativity and self-expression. When Vishuddha is closed, we undergo decay and death. When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning. The success and failure in one's life depends upon the state of this chakra (polluted/clean). Guilty feeling is the most prominent reason for this chakra; to block the Kundalini Energy moving upwards. It is associated with the element Akasha or Æther, and the sense of hearing, as well as the action of speaking.

Meditation upon this chakra is said to bring about the following Siddhis or occult and numinous powers; vision of the three periods, past, present and future; freedom from disease and old age; destruction of dangers; and the ability to move the three worlds.

In the Absence of You

150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Oh Moon, I have wept like a cloud in your absence

And without you, never have I glanced at the moon in exhilaration 



80 X 80 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

The Mythraic Mysteries, or Mithraism, were a mystery religion practiced in Roman Empire about 1st to 4th centuries AD, in mainland Europe, North Africa, and Great Britain. The Roman regarded the mysteries as having Persian sourses. Persian mystical ritual divinity was based on the appreciation of Mihr (Mithra) and the ancient god of the sun, justice, faith and love, in pre-Zoroastrian religion. Worship of Mithra, the son of god, had a complex system of seven grades of initiation, with ritual meals. Initiates met in underground temples which survive in large numbers. During the rule of Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, Mithraism was a dominant belief among Romans, especially Roman soldiers. So Constantine had to transfer all Mithraic symbols and rituals to Jesus and Christianity to make Christianity a dominant religion. The sun was sacred to Mithraism. This sanctification is reflected widely in Persian literature as well. The sun, with its warmth and light, destroys monsters and evil. The sun represents light, heat, summer and blessing. 


150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Every trail
Every gray alleyway 
Every corridor
However dark, narrow, and difficult
Is the evidence of passing
Of transition


150 X 100 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Oneness isn't loneliness
And this is that occult mystery
All universe is within you


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

I close my eyes
And just like a tranquil pond
Dissolve in myself
And all universe flows in a moment


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Dripping the drop into the ocean
Or flow of the ocean into the drop
A deep combination of unity
Beyond duality
Just behold, you will see


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

Beyond all words and indications
Void doesn't need a Fulcrum
Being, is the vast boundless void
He who breaks the chain
Is liberated


120 X 120 cm    Alkyd Oil Paint on Canvas

He sees teasels and flowers as one
He sees pleasure and pain as one
He sees birth and death as one
Day and night get together
Neither white nor black
Boundaries mix